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Inner child

I struggle with the concept of inner child and get stuck in the IB process. Can you give ideas on how to process feelings, connect…

Avoiding feelings

I recently realized that I was avoiding feeling fear when plagued with agoraphobia. Avoiding feeling. What an interesting concept. I realized I avoid feelings a…


Could you speak about self-abandonment, what it is, insidious ways we do it, and how to stop doing it? I remember hearing that I self-abandoned…

Breakup – letting go

How to know if your relationship was healthy or unhealthy and if unhealthy, how to let go when everything in you still holds out hope…

not trusting Source

Would you please speak to: When I don’t feel trust in Source. When I feel I’m just “wishful thinking” when I feel old, too old,…

Speak up and assert

Practice gentle discussion and defensiveness when being walked over by your partner / ex-partner. I give up my will and cannot stand up as I…

Problem solving the feelings..

staying present with the feelings, noticing what they are telling me. I think I might be afraid that they will not pass on and I…