Are You Ready to Find The Love Of Your Life?


End loneliness, isolation, or serial relationships that keep ending up the same way. Move beyond love addiction within you or within the people you attract. Heal the blocks that are keeping you from attracting a loving relationship with my 30-Day home study program.

Attracting Your Beloved 30 Day Course

Attracting Your Beloved 30-Day Course


PLEASE NOTE: The email address you put in at checkout is the email address you will receive this 30-day automated course at!

Do you get into relationship after relationship, only to discover that the person is either avoidant or needy – or that you are?

Are you unaware of the red flags, or you are aware of them and ignore them and then kick yourself later when the relationship ends in hurtful ways.

Are you attracting at your common level of self-abandonment and woundedness? Are you ready to learn to attract at your common level of emotional health?

Are you confused between the difference between love and love addiction, between love and infatuation, and between getting love and sharing love?

Maybe you’ve had the experience of meeting THE ONE, only to have it painfully fall apart? Have you met the person you were sure was your soul mate, only to have it end in pain and confusion?

Perhaps you’ve thought that maybe you aren’t meant to be in a relationship, that you are meant to be alone.

I can tell you with 100% certainty, that IS NOT true and that it is possible for you to be in a loving relationship once you understand what you’ve been doing to push that relationship away.

Perhaps your fears of rejection or engulfment have kept you from commitment. It is possible to heal these fears and attract a warm, loving partner.

Have you only been attracted to "bad boys" or "bad girls" and ended up in abusive relationships, yet you felt bored with open and available people?

You might have even met your partner in the past but you were not attracted due to your ego wounded self being in charge rather than your loving adult.

You will likely not recognize the right person until you become the right person. HOW DO YOU GET THERE?

By healing the fears and false beliefs that are stopping you from Attracting Your Beloved.

Attracting Your Beloved 30 Day Course

Attracting Your Beloved 30-Day Course


PLEASE NOTE: The email address you put in at checkout is the email address you will receive this 30-day automated course at!

When You Discover And Heal Your Underlying Blocks, You Will Become Fully Available To Attracting Your Beloved

or many years, I’ve been helping people learn to attract the love of their life and create loving relationships.

I’ve been helping people learn to quickly know who is an appropriate partner and who is not.

I’ve been helping people know what they REALLY want in a relationship rather than what they think they want.

Through learning to see, love and value themselves, they attract a partner who sees, loves and values them.

I have been helping people become an available partner so they can attract an available partner.

You will learn to attract at your common level of health and self-love, rather than your common level of woundedness and self-abandonment.

Even If You’ve Been Working On Yourself For Years And Become Discouraged, You Will Find the Answers That Open The Way To Attracting Your Beloved

If you gave up finding your beloved, you WILL find the hope and strength to start dating again.

You WILL gain a completely new understanding of what a beloved is, what a relationships is, and what true commitment is.

You WILL no longer believe that you have to give up your freedom to be in a loving relationship.

You WILL become clear on what is a truly loving and healthy relationship, and how to spot a potent partner early in the dating process, so that you don’t waste your time and energy with someone who isn’t right for you.

You WILL discover information in this course that you will not find in any other course about finding a partner.

You WILL be amazed at the depth and breadth of this course. There is nothing superficial about it!

Your life WILL be forever transformed because this course contains the information you have been seeking your whole adult life and could not find – until now.

Attracting Your Beloved 30 Day Course

Attracting Your Beloved 30-Day Course


PLEASE NOTE: The email address you put in at checkout is the email address you will receive this 30-day automated course at!

You Will Find That This Course Is Priceless And One Of The Best Gifts You Can Give To Yourself Toward Attracting Your Beloved.

Simply knowing what you need to do, or reading about finding a loving partner isn’t enough.

Successfully healing your blocks to love is EXPERIENTIAL.

You can’t just THINK about – you have to actually DO the daily steps, and when you do, your whole experience of dating will change.

Are you the kind of person who will benefit from:

• step-by-step training
• a deep understanding of both the WHY and HOW
• practical instructions on how to practice what you’re learning
• daily videos and daily action steps?

If so, my Attracting Your Beloved 30-Day Experience can help.

Attracting Your Beloved: This 30-Day Experience is a powerful training for those who want to find their beloved partner.

It is a step-by-step, practical, at-home, intensive training program that takes as little as 15-20 minutes a day and gives you the knowledge and action steps you need to consistently practice and fully integrate the new information into your daily life.

Yes, you can heal your old patterns and blocks to attracting and creating a loving relationship.

You’ll receive:

• 30 Days of Training: Each day, for 30 days, you’ll receive an email with a learning module from me that contains that day’s training. You’ll get an in-depth understanding of each of the steps you can take to become ready to attract your beloved.

Even though this is a 30-day program, you can revisit each module as often as you like or skip a day or two (and catch up later). It is self-guided and you are learning at your own pace.

• Daily Video: Each day you’ll also receive a video that will support you in your healing process.

• Daily Action Steps: You'll receive daily action steps to help you incorporate what you’re learning into everyday life, so you can stay engaged in your journey and move yourself more and more each day to being able to attract your beloved.

Our Guarantee: We will refund the cost of the course minus the cost of PayPal if you cancel within one week after the start of the course.

Attracting Your Beloved 30 Day Course

Attracting Your Beloved 30-Day Course


PLEASE NOTE: The email address you put in at checkout is the email address you will receive this 30-day automated course at!

If You Follow This Program, In 30 Days, Your Life Will Change

One month from now, you will:

Experience More Ease and Excitement About Dating
Now, instead of being anxious about being rejected, you will look forward to the challenge of discerning who is right for you and who isn’t.

Trust Your Inner and Higher Knowing Regarding Red Flags
You will no longer waste time in relationships that are not going anywhere and that end in pain and confusion.

Un-attach Your Self-Worth To How A Date Feels About You
Your self-worth will not be tied to whether or not your date asks for a second date or accept or refuses a second date with you.

Quickly Be Able To Determine Who Is Open to Love And Caring And Who Is Putting On An Act Of Caring
You will be able to feel the truth and trust what you feel rather than second-guessing yourself.

You’ll feel much more relaxed knowing that your choices and actions you are taking are in your highest good.

Break Free of Co-Dependent Relationships You’ll be able to be yourself rather than trying to impress someone by over-giving.

Be Clear On What Is and Isn’t Tolerable To You In A Relationship
You will have a clear understanding of what you want and have a right to have in a relationship.

Let Go Of False Hope That Someone Is Going to Change
You will no longer base your choice of a partner on their possible potential, You will accept that you get what you see.

When you heal your self and begin attracting your beloved through this program, your ENTIRE DATING EXPERIENCE will blossom and expands come up. You’ll know that you, and you alone, are responsible for your emotional wellbeing, a Truth that will empower you and set you free.

You’ll have the tools and resources to create the loving relationship that you’ve always wanted.

You’ll no longer be a victim of the dating scene that has been keeping you from fully manifesting the life you want.

Start the Attracting Your Beloved 30-Day Process Today

You'll receive 30 days of in-depth Inner Bonding training, video lectures and audio visualizations, and daily action steps to help you integrate what you're learning. This option is self-guided and completed at your own pace.

PLEASE NOTE: The email address you put in at checkout is the email address you will receive this 30-day automated course at!

We will refund the cost of the course minus the cost of PayPal if you cancel within one week after the start of the course.

Program Testimonials

"I wanted to thank you for the Attract your Beloved course - I learned so much from that course & from previous courses. Over time it's been changing my relationship with myself & others in such an amazing way. I've also met my beloved. He first contacted me while I was doing your Attract your Beloved course but I didn't recognize our potential as a couple initially because I was hung up on immediate chemistry. Over time I noticed he had a lot of the characteristics you discussed in the course. We became a couple on 24 December last year & on a trip to Hawaii last month he proposed to me. I've never experienced unconditional love from a partner before, it's feels solid & safe. I'm so privileged to have him in my life & without your words of advice I wouldn't have given him a proper chance. Thank you so much." -Sarah

"I would highly recommend this course to anyone who's struggling with issues that have so far prevented them from finding their beloved. It's focused, it's compassionate, and Margaret's gifted teaching shows us ways to bring peace and healing to the wounded parts of ourselves as the basis of creating loving relationships with others." -Ed S.

"After a horrible break-up two years ago, I decided to give up on dating. My dating experiences have always started off fast, plateau around six to nine months and then crash. I couldn't figure out why this keeps happening. I have done a tremendous amount of work on myself over the years but there still has been a lot of unanswered questions in the realm of relationships. I have found all of those answers taking the recent Attracting Your Beloved Inner Bonding Course....This course has given me hope and strength to start dating again. Thank you!" -Kathleen

"I wanted to let you know that after taking the 30 day Attracting Your Beloved course I have met and begun a new relationship – the first one in 7 years at the age of 40!....I am astonished that I have met someone so kind, honest, open and relaxed....I’m in no doubt that this has happened due to the inner work I have undertaken since discovering Inner Bonding and I am so very grateful to you and to my higher guidance." -Annie

"Dr. Paul's Inner Bonding coursework is simply phenomenal. I wholeheartedly recommend the Attracting Your Beloved course for everyone...whether you are searching for your Beloved or are already in a relationship - even a marriage - as this course will open your eyes to what is truly healthy and loving in relationship, both towards yourself and your partner…. this course is unparalleled in terms of both quality and value!" -Alissa

Stop Self-Sabotaging Your Relationships and Take One of the Most Important Loving Actions You’ll Ever Take On Your Behalf

Maybe you’ve been skeptical about relationships because you haven’t understood what you’ve been doing that’s not working for you.

Maybe you’ve taken other courses about finding your partner and they haven’t worked for you, because you haven’t understood the underlying causes of the problems.

There’s still healing you know you need to do.

A nagging pull to go deeper within, to listen deeply to what your feelings are telling you about your relationships, to be more attentive and loving to what you really want and need in a relationship.

There’s an inner voice that’s telling you to listen closely, to go deeper into the fears and false beliefs keeping you from attracting your beloved. There’s something you’re not hearing and seeing. There’s something you’re not doing.

Maybe you’re not loving yourself enough to find love and share love with a partner.

It’s time to learn to listen to and trust your inner voice rather than give your authority away to a partner regarding what’s right and loving for you..

The voice of your ego wounded mind may be telling you that you CAN'T have what you want, that you will never have what you want, that you will always be alone.

That you’re not worth it. You’re too broken. You’re not lovable enough to attract your beloved.

Our wounded self doesn’t want us to change – it wants to maintain the status quo because it believe that’s the way to be safe. It would rather live in the illusion of safety than risk love.

These false beliefs come from the Wounded Self. They are ways you’re scaring yourself, rejecting yourself, abandoning yourself.

Our wounded self just wants to be safe by keeping the status quo. It believes that doing what brings you joy will result in pain and failure.

But it IS possible to HEAL THESE FALSE BELIEFS and be free of feeling alone or of the cycle of serial relationships

It’s possible when you understand what you’ve been doing and what else you can do.

You will be free of the limiting, critical voice that tells you that you’ll never find your beloved and you’ll always be alone.

You’ll feel excited rather than discouraged.

With the training, practice, and loving support you’ll get from this program, you’ll be able to attract and create the relationship you want.

Dr. Margaret Paul

Attracting Your Beloved 30 Day Course

Attracting Your Beloved 30-Day Course


PLEASE NOTE: The email address you put in at checkout is the email address you will receive this 30-day automated course at!

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